There is lots to do and organise - which is helping us all to put one foot in front of another. Rose will be buried on Monday at Camberwell Old Cemetery in a family ceremony but we have now confirmed details for her memorial service. Please put it in your diaries and come - we want it to be a celebration of her life, hopefully family friendly and if you knew her and loved her - or just want to support us - then we would love you to come.
It is taking place at St Stephens Church, College Road, SE21 7HN at 2pm on Saturday 15th January and you are all invited to join us afterwards in the Lower Hall at Dulwich College, College Road, SE21 7LD for tea. We are having family flowers only at the funeral but there will be a retiring collection at the memorial service for the BCRT. The College is about a ten minute walk or a two minute drive from the church and there is reasonable parking at both.
Without all the cards, flowers, letters, messages, food drops and gifts that we have had this week and endlessly in the last weeks, months, years this would have been even harder. The support has been incredible. Thank you all so much.