Friday 15th January

Developments - finally.

Since the scan is now booked for a Friday we can't get out of seeing Kathy, Rose's oncologist, in her clinic much as we would love to. We have the scan first and Rose is then whisked off as always by clowns and play specialists to do something fabulous. If only the Marsden were run by the clowns. We wait and wait and wait to see Kathy. Finally we are in and can tell that Kathy herself can't decide entirely whether the news is good or bad - the tumours have doubled in size (bad) but there are no more as yet (good). Kathy gets hold of the thoracic surgeon there and then on his mobile and on the basis of her verbal report he decides yes, let's get the bastards out of my little girl's chest. Or a variation of that anyway.

With that decision made Kathy then goes on to drop a more unexpected bombshell. She is leaving the Marsden and moving to a more managerial role at Great Ormond Street. I am entirely wrong-footed - in the bad marriage of our relationship with Kathy I do not expect her to slip out of the back door like this just as things take a turn for the really quite appalling. Presumably it's back to UCLH although who knows how relevant follow-up appointments now are for us. Each knowing we won't ever have to do this again we have the most amiable and sensible chat we have had in nearly two years and wish each other well. Game, set and match to Kathy.

The more pressing issue is that Simon Jordan, our new great white hope, wants to meet Rose. The game with the children is up.