Tuesday 22nd December

What to say - so many days of denial but a gradual processing of the shock and grateful most of the time for the privacy of it all. We've met Simon Jordan - thoracic surgeon and latest caped crusader in our lives. I fear mainly for the renewed hope he put in our hearts as I know there is a world of difference between what he would like to do for Rose and what he really can. He makes it all sound very simple and very possible. There is talk of osteosarcoma 'burning itself out' (I love this phrase) and Rose recovering quickly from open chest surgery. The decision to operate or not is his and will depend on the results of the next CT scan in January to see whether the lung tumours have grown in size or number or both. But we could ask him all the questions we couldn't ask in front of Rose and went through the details of the operation. Simon Jordan takes his place in my hall of fame next to Tim Briggs - I am in love with them both.

Heads down for Christmas now - the house is full of food, champagne and presents. There is so much booked and arranged to keep us all busy and distracted for the next few days and the children are so excited. It's even snowing!